
Since January the pupils in 5th & 6th Class have been learning how to play chess on Fridays with Mr. Coppinger. They put their new skills to good use on Tuesday 11th March when 16 pupils, Mr. Coppinger and Ms. Kearns travelled to a Féile Fichille Tournament, organised by and hosted by St. Etchen's Kinnegad. Each player got to play six games and our pupils gave very strong performances. We're very proud of them as many of their opponents had been playing chess in school for a few years!  

Credit Union Quiz Team

Our 4th class team ( James Ledwith, Michael Grady, Aidan Moran, Sophie Keating & Jack Flynn) are through to the All Ireland Final of the Credit Union Schools Quiz in the RDS, Dublin on Sunday April 6th. (please see photos in gallery)

Green Flag

This year we are working towards the Green Flag for Global Citizenship - The Marine Environment. There is a lot of work going on in various classes. We are learning about marine creatures; some have written reports and others are creating online books. We are learning about pollution of our oceans and how plastic is one of the main culprits. Children are becoming aware of how we can help keep our seas and oceans cleaner, and how we can protect all plants and animals living there. The senior classes have been learning about global goals and they engaged in some interesting online chats with other schools across the world during Global Goals Week. We are also taking part in a cleanup challenge, where each class does one cleanup per week and the waste collected is weighed. Well done to all and to our dedicated committee for their hard work.

Active School Flag

This year in An Grianán NS we are taking on the challenge of an Active School Flag.  The aim of the Active School Flag is to get our school more active and more often.

It is important that all children engage in 60 minutes of physical activity every day.  By doing this we hope to improve children's fitness and mental health.

To be rewarded the flag, we need to demonstate we are meeting the criteria across four areas:

1. Physical Education

2. Physical Activity

3. Partnerships

4. Active School Week

Throughout this year children will take part in various activities eg. 

  • School Slogan Competition
  • Active breaks for 4 weeks
  • Learning on the move challenge for 4 weeks
  • The Daily Mile
  • What club are you in - survey
  • Run Around Europe Challenge 

and many more activities.  There will also be an Active Schools Week with varied activities, guest speaker and a fun event.

Please encourage your child to take part in all  school flag activities.

Please contact Ms Aine Curran if you would like to be part of the Active School Week in our school. 



Sherpa Kids Link - click here to view

An Grianán School Garden Blog - click here to view

Altar Nativity 2024 - click here to view


4th Class Trip to the Áras

MEP Maria Walshe visits An Grianán for the Blue Star Programme

Paschal O'Dohoghue visits An Grianán and meets 3rd & 6th Classes


Click on the Calendar Icon below